Thursday, July 9

The role of marriage in parenting

I was listening to a couple authors recently who were discussing the role marriage in parenting. What they had to say was pretty profound:

"The strength of the parent/child relationship is dependent on the quality of the husband/wife relationship. You might always strive to be a sacrificial mother, but you will never be a better mom than what you are as a wife."

Did you get that? The quality of the mother/child relationship is dependent on the quality of the husband/wife relationship.

The two go hand in hand! I can try to be a great mom, but if my relationship with Ryan is lacking, so will my relationship with my kids. Kids need to know that their parents are in love and committed to one another. They need to feel it. They need to see it.

The authors went on to say, "When you put the husband/wife relationship on the back burner in the name of good parenting, the kids will ask - how are mommy and daddy doing? They need to know parents love each other."

This is exactly what I needed to hear. As I get ready to enter into a season of chaos and business with two little ones, I want to make sure my marriage is not put on the back burner. My time and energy will not be evenly split, but I can still strive to make sure my marriage is first priority...and that I am a great wife so I can be a great mom!

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