Tuesday, October 2

Solitude and silence

I heard a fantastic message this week that stopped me in my tracks (you can listen to it online by clicking on the word 'message'). Be warned: it just might change your life.

What got me so excited about this message is that it goes hand in hand with what Barb talked about yesterday!
The message focuses on how difficult it is for us to quiet ourselves, drown out the noise in our life and listen to God.

The pastor drew this powerful conclusion:
"Maybe there is a correlation between the noise [in our life] and our inability to hear and respond to God."

His suggestion is that we need to quiet our souls before the Lord. No music. No television. Nothing. Just quietness before God. He encouraged us to 'learn to love the silence.'

I believe that one way to quiet our souls is to get barefoot before the Lord each day. Now in saying that, I will tell you that I have not done that today. I chose sleeping in this morning over meeting God. I chose laundry over talking with my creator. I chose my to-do list over sitting in the presence of my Heavenly Father.

Why is it so difficult to be still? Why is it so hard to take the time to listen to God? I can pray all day long...asking God to answer my prayers, lifting up others needs...but am I hearing FROM God or just talking TO God?

I was challenged by these words: "Does your life and schedule reflect a person who wants to hear from God? In order to follow Jesus you have to hear him. In order to hear him you have to slow down."

Thankfully tomorrow is a new day. I want to pour out my heart to God and I want to hear what He has to say to me as well. I think I better set the alarm and schedule some 'barefoot' time with God.

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