Thursday, October 4

Sometimes it hurts to go barefoot

Getting barefoot before the Lord is painful at times....

In order to truly be barefoot as a child of God, I need to be honest with my Heavenly Father. Recently that has been difficult for me because I am in a place that I don't really understand right now.

Sometimes the LAST thing I feel like doing is meeting Jesus. I'm impatient. I'm frustrated. I'm confused.

But that's exactly why I need to strip down to my bare feet and be honest. God wants to hear about my pain, my sadness, my longing, my resentment, my anger, my bitterness (btw, I'm working on dealing with those last three not-so-great character qualities that I've discovered are taking up residence in my heart. If you've got any tips, please share them!).

I'm waiting for answered prayers. God's waiting for me to place my dirty, calloused, tired feet into his loving hands.

So I'm learning I don't meet with the Lord because I feel like it - because there are days when I definitely don't 'feel' like it. I meet with God because only He can understand the pain. Only he can soothe the hurt. Only he can offer the comfort. Only he can provide the peace that passes understanding.

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