Monday, April 16

Come to me

Do you ever find yourself with a heavy heart? A heart burdened for those around you? On this gorgeous spring day in April, that is the condition of my heart. My heart hurts for those who are in need and I find myself asking, “How can I help those around me?”

I want to offer encouragement, support, love, prayers, a meal, a hug, hope to those who are hurting, tired, overwhelmed, sick, or discouraged with the hand that life has dealt them.

How can I, one person, meet all the needs of those around me? Who has enough time, energy, or resources?

Not me.

I could try but I would fail miserably.

So I do my best. I deliver meals. I send cards. I give hugs. I lift needs in prayer and ask God to lift spirits.

And when I’m tired and overwhelmed and still burdened at the end of the day, I cry out to God on behalf of friends, family and even those I don’t know personally. I ask him to heal the sick, cheer the disheartened, and strengthen the tired and weak.

And gently He reminds me of His invitation in Matthew 28: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

I think I'll take him up on that.

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