Tuesday, April 3

Healthy Habits Continue!

I always look forward to 'spring cleaning'. Changing my closet over from the dark colors to the light-weight pastels is always invigorating. It's also a good time to take stock of my habits for the new season. Spring and summer bring more activity and lighter foods generally, so it's a good time to take an assessment of my habits. Here's some favorite questions I challenged the Homemakers with Hope with and I review from time to time. Habits change in very subtle ways...sometimes from good to bad...use these questions to go from bad to good!

1. I eat a variety of healthy food in their most natural form.

2. I eat balanced meals evenly distributed throughout the day—each meal including protein and carbohydrates.

3. I limit or eliminate harmful substances in my diet such as excess fat, caffeine, refined sugar products, salt, junk food, sodas, alcohol, smoking and other possible food allergens.

4. I eat foods considering what is most effective for my particular physical needs. (e.g. diabetes, PMS, fatigue, stress, etc)

5. I take vitamin, mineral, and other helpful supplements necessary for my health.

6. I drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

7. I exercise for at least 30 minutes three to four times a week or as much as I am physically able.

8. I get adequate sleep—at least 8 hours a night.

9. I rest and relax when I sense my body and inner being needs it.

10. I have effective, positive ways of reducing stress and anxiety on an ongoing basis.

11. I pamper myself occasionally with a ‘home spa’, manicure, facial, or massage.

12. I get regular medical check-ups to assess my physical health needs.

The younger you are, the more important it is to impliment these habits because life only gets busier and habits run deeper as you grow older. Start with one or two habits and keep adding on as you master each one. You will only be good for those around you as you are good to yourself. Happy Spring...Healthy You!

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