Monday, April 30

Who's your buddy?

Last week Barb wrote: "It will take discipline, determination, an ability to say NO over and over again and a mindset that is filled with scripture that constantly reminds you of Who is in control. A ‘buddy’ to hold you accountable may be just the ticket to keep you on track. This is another ‘counter cultural’ decision and you will have to ‘stay the course’ in order to see the results you are hoping for."

Do you have someone you can go to who will help you stay the course? Who will keep you on track? Are you that person for someone else?

Throughout the years I have had different friends who have stepped up to the plate to offer me the accountability that I needed in that season of my life. Sometimes we met for breakfast, sometimes we met once a month for a meal and most recently my accountability buddy and I held weekly check-ups via telephone.

It is so challenging to make decisions that are counter cultural. It's never going to be easy, but when you've got a buddy beside you, cheering you on, together you can strive to make better decisions and better choices about how you spend your time.

Instead of waiting for someone to come to you, why don't you prayerfully consider who might be a good buddy for you? Who would be willing to speak truth into your life even when it's hard?

We'd love to hear if you have an accountability buddy and how it's impacted your life....Click on the comment link below and share your experience.

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