Friday, December 7

5 Gifts for Children

I used to buy 5 gifts for my kids at Christmas:
Gift #1: A doll or stuffed animal...something to love

Gift #2: A book...something to learn

Gift #3: A game or toy...something to play with!

Gift #4: A gift of activity...something that made my child move

Today is gift #5... and that was a gift of creativity. Something that would let my child express his/her own style. A gift of artistic expression.
Keep it simple. It may be a new box of crayons every year; markers; clay; or paints of all kinds. Scrapbooking and card making is perfect as your kids get older. Build into your child's imagination with this gift. Plan an area in your home where this gift can be used so you aren't complaining about the mess and clean up. This gift should allow your child to explore and get dirty if necessary. After Christmas your family may want to go to an art show or museum together. Show them the end results of developing their creativity. Christmas is a time of wonder...let it start in the mind of your child as he/she creates with the 5th gift of Christmas.

This list of 5 gifts gave me a reason for shopping and buying. I hope you find it to be a guide of some sort for your Christmas. Start young, start simple and stay in touch with your child by giving gifts that make sense.

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