Tuesday, March 27

Homemaking 101

One of the first discussion we had at Homemakers with Hope back in 2001, had to do with 'Developing Systems'. This was a concept I could have benefited from when I was a young homemaker. I was overwhelmed with all the areas I was suddenly responsible for and I felt if I couldn't do everything with ease and perfection, why even try. So I didn't! That didn't make for good homemaking skills at all. Slowly I discovered the secret of 'systems' and realized that is the basis of any well run company and certainly needs to be implemented in the home as well. A 'favorite' system the homemakers picked up on right away was that of organizing their spices! Never thought of that? Well, it took me several years into being a homemaker before I realized that if I put my spices in alphabetical order it would make baking/cooking so much more efficient. Want another system? How about putting your grocery list on the computer. Make a master list of all the products you buy for your family and lay it out in the order you find them in the store. Print off your master list and hang it on the refrigerator for quick reference. Circle an item as you see you need it and then head off to the store with your list showing you the way around the store. This is a guaranteed way of speeding up your shopping, eliminating zigzagging back and forth in the store and it also reminds you of items you may need but hadn't circled.
Happy Homemaking and Hurrah for 'Systems'.

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