Sunday, March 25

My 2 cents....on 'Waiting'

I wish I could say there is a time in life when you turn the corner and you never question the 'waiting' room any more. My husband and I are in the 'waiting room' again waiting for a business reversal to work itself out. We've been here before. We've 'waited' alot during our marriage. There is great wisdom in your last posting, Stacy. You are wise to phrase 'lessons I am learning' the way you did. It is present tense, an on-going lesson and that describes what waiting becomes in life...a lesson over and over again. I can't say it becomes easier, maybe just more recognizable and therefore manageable. It reminds me of the 50 mile bike race you and I and Rachel took several years back. It was a grueling yet exhilarating experience. Over and over again we tackled the hills, hoping each one was the last. I still remember looking down at my knees pushing down in slow motion trying to get the pedals to rotate around one more more time to propel me closer to the top of the hill. I would concentrate on getting my knees to extend down to force my legs to put all the effort in getting my foot to push into the stirrups of the pedal. I trusted that if I continued to exert that motion over and over again, eventually I would get to the top of the hill and I could soon rest my muscles. Sometimes in life I have found that if I keep my eyes focused on God as I go through the motions of faith, trusting that I will reach the summit soon, waiting becomes the norm not the exception in life. Waiting becomes recognizable and I dare say more 'comfortable' because I know that the pain of the repeated motions moving me towards the top will push me to the peak of this stretch and I eventually I will feel the cool breeze on my face as I coast down the road beyond the hill.
My 2 cents? I keep my muscles of faith in gear and repeat the motions over and over again when the going is rough, my muscles become stronger and the road becomes more manageable even as I continue to push forward. I 'fix my eyes on Jesus' as my body moans in exhaustion, trusting that the summit is near.

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