Wednesday, March 21

In God's Hands

It seems like life is filled with moments or seasons of waiting. God has been teaching me about waiting as my husband and I wait to start our family. But I'm certainly not the only one waiting. Here's what my circle of friends are currently waiting for:
relationships to improve at home
a job interview
a future husband
a baby to be delivered
to get engaged
to sell their home.

Every situation calls for reliance on and trust in God.

I came across this verse today:
My future is in your hands.
- Psalm 31:15 (NLT). Then, just a little while later, I saw this quote on the wall of a business I visit regularly, "I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future."

So I have a choice to make. Do I choose to wait with impatience, self-reliance and weariness? Or do I choose to wait in peace, joy and faith?

God knows my future. In fact, he's got my future in his hands. And I imagine his hands are molding it, perfecting it and forming it beyond anything I can imagine or dream.

I believe it's worth the wait.

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