Thursday, November 29

Preschool Christmas Pageant Finger Play

Yesterday I offered up an idea for your husband for Christmas. Today you might want to consider working with your preschoolers on this Christmas Finger Play. What a great thing to teach them and a fun activity to show the family on Christmas Day!

This is kind Joseph (hold up one finger)

And this is sweet Mary; (hold up two fingers)

She rides and he walks on their Bethlehem journey (move hand bobbling along!)

Here is the inn- (hands form pointed roof)

Joseph knocks on the door; (knocking action)

But the innkeeper says, "No room for more!" (shake head)

"Because you are tired and 'tis late in the day

You may go to the stable (point to far-off stable)

And rest on clean hay. (rest head on hands)

'Twas there in the stable that first Christmas morn, (hands form pointed roof)

Jesus, our Savior, God's best gift, was born. (rocking baby motion)

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