Thursday, November 15

A Thanksgiving Choice

Most things written about Thanksgiving have to do with food, recipes, table decorations, family traditions, and so on.

Martha Stewart shows us how to prepare our homes and tables with Thanksgiving decor.

Rachael Ray tells us how to prepare the best side dishes.

And everywhere ads tell us to prepare our wallets for shopping the day after Thanksgiving.

Today I want to talk about preparing our hearts for Thanksgiving. I got an e-mail from a friend today who is struggling to have a heart of thankfulness this Thanksgiving season. She is going through some tough stuff, has some hard questions and is in a place she doesn't understand right now. She said "I don't feel as thankful as I should."

I love her honesty! Isn't that true of all of us? If we have a roof over our heads and food on a plate, we have so much to thank God for. Yet sometimes our circumstances are so all-consuming that it is difficult to see our blessings.

Are you approaching a holiday that is difficult for you? Are you struggling to have an attitude of gratitude?

Maybe finances are extra tight.
Maybe you are barely surviving a broken relationship.
Maybe your heart hurts every day when you wake up.
Maybe you are missing a loved one.
Maybe you are angry at God and feel like life isn't fair.
Maybe your family is in desperate need of restoration.

As difficult as it can be, make the choice to praise God for the ways in which He has blessed you. Choose to see the small blessings. Choose to thank God for the little things in your life. If nothing else, get on your knees and thank God for who He is.

It might not be the natural or easy thing to do, but it is a choice you won't regret!

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