Friday, May 18

The beauty of the rainbow

Have you ever thought about how the word rainbow consists of the word rain? In order to experience the beauty of the rainbow, first there must be rain.

So it is with our lives. Just when it seems that the rain might never stop, there's a rainbow waiting round the corner. While the rainstorms of life can be difficult and challenging, think of all the good that rain does. Those showers (and sometimes rainstorms) keep things green and growing. Rain saturates the fields and waters lawns, flowers, trees and bushes.

I don't think any of us would truly appreciate rainbows if it weren't for the rain. In Job 2:10 Job says, "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"

My paraphrase would be, "Should we accept rainbows from God, but not the rain?"

As women striving to be wise, lets praise God in the midst of both rain and rainbows!

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