Friday, May 11

Dear Daughter in Law!

Dear Stacy,
Thank you for the incredibly kind words you wrote in the blog yesterday…that really puts pressure on me to come up with something profound that captures my feelings! That’s easy…I love you!!

We can get really sentimental when we are together, but what I need to write today not only in response to your post, but because I think once again this may not be said enough if at all. There is so much written and joked about the mother in law, but rarely do we hear about the younger woman’s attitude and responsibility in the ‘in law’ relationship. I think it is interesting that the Bible tells the younger generation to ‘honor their mother and father’.

I would like to say that you, Stacy, have ‘honored’ me ever since you met Ryan and that has made our relationship so much easier for me. You listen, you ask questions, you laugh things off, you have a pleasant disposition when you are around the family, and you reach out to extended members of the family…what’s there not to love about you?

What I am saying is that just like every other relationship, it’s a two way street. Age does not dictate the ability to be mature in a relationship. Often times you younger women have much more insight, patience, and fortitude than we older women do and if you would be the first to extend a measure of grace and acceptance to your mother in law, it may surprise you how she may mature in her response to you. We are all human, responding with human shortcomings, but if we are willing to accept responsibility to be the best we can be, the other person may become better.
Age doesn’t bring wisdom automatically. There is wisdom in reaching out to your mother in law on a regular basis and if nothing else you will be blessed with wisdom by God as you age. It says in Prov 2:1-6
My daughter, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding,
and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.
For the LORD gives wisdom,and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

There is work to be done in good relationships, but the results make it worth it. I am blessed to have a daughter in law that is mature way beyond her years, but I also thank God that He is blessing her and me because she is faithful in her desire to be a wise woman who builds her home. You can be too.
Have a Happy Mother-in-Law’s Day!!

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