Thursday, May 10

Dear mother-in-law

Dear Barb,
I don't really know what it's like to raise children. I don't think I truly grasp the long hours, the depth of weariness or the challenges that motherhood brings. I won't understand that until I am a mom myself.

But I want to thank you for the incredible job you did raising your son, and my husband, Ryan. He is affectionate, kind, trustworthy, a hard worker, a lover of God and has a sense of humor that is incomparable. He does his own laundry and knows how to clean the toilet! He's wise with his money and open with his feelings. I am so grateful that he was raised in a home where he learned to love Jesus from a young age. I am blessed to call you mother-in-law and I thank God for you.

Happy Mother's Day!

I love you,

As you've probably guessed from reading this blog, I have a great relationship with my mother-in-law. I am amazed by her wisdom, blessed by her heart and challenged by her example.

Many of you may not be so fortunate. You long for a mother-in-law who understands you better, treats you differently or, quite honestly, was less of a 'mother' and more of a friend. Maybe she's too nosy, too picky, too critical, too willing to offer you advice.

But, she's your mother-in-law. Regardless of where you stand in your relationship with her, I encourage you to praise God for her this Mother's Day for the simple reason that you are married to her son. She carried him for nine months, delivered him, raised him and taught him to be the man he is today. Maybe she didn't do everything perfectly, but chances are she worked hard and loved him a lot.

So today set aside the frustrations, discouragement or annoyances. Send your mother-in-law a card, give her a hug, shoot her an e-mail, tell her you love her and thank her for raising her son so well.

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