Monday, March 23

Theme for the Year!

Did you pick a 'theme' for the year 2009? How's it going for you? We almost have 3 months behind us already, so have you noticed some growth in your life by focusing on a theme?

I chose a theme that is stretching me more than usual. I am 'renewing my mind' 'hiding God's word in my heart'. Just picking this theme has taught me something about myself:

1. I sure am good at finding excuses not to 'renew my mind'. It is so much easier just to think random thoughts.

2. Memorizing scripture requires alot of review and even then I forget what I thought I had just learned. Reviewing is a discipline in itself for me!

3. I am much more aware of scripture now, when I hear it quoted on the radio, in a sermon or written in a book. I want to 'memorize' it, but realize my list of verses 'to' memorize is already double the list of verses I have mastered.

4. I find I 'pray' scripture verses more often. That has really encouraged me to 'hang in there' with this theme.

5. One verse will lead me to another verse and I find the Bible has become more vital to my daily life.

6. I see the power of the Holy Spirit at work. I can tell when I am just trying to memorize words compared to the times when I really want to learn 'a truth'. The Holy Spirit will empower me to learn when my heart is ready to accept the truth.

7. It is a daily struggle. 'Renewing my mind' will have to be a life-long focus if this theme will be worth anything. Ummmm, Psalms 1:3 says we are to meditate on His word night and day...not just as a theme for one year.

8. I wish I had chosen this theme years ago!

What is your theme teaching you?

Here's a hip-hip-hurrah to all of you who chose a theme and have pursued it. It's not too late to gear up again and make some progress. It will be a measureable way to evaluate the year 2009 and a wonderful way to remember it.

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