Friday, September 26

Home Improvement...Start Organizing

My favorite organizing books:

Simplify your life by Marcia Ramsland
Simplify your time by Marcia Ramsland
Organizing your home and Family by Sandra Felton
Organizing Plain and Simple by Donna Smallin
Two other authors whose books I have read are Emilie Barnes and Kathy Peel

I know that usually on Fridays Barb or Stacy give a directive of some sort. I guess my hope for you this week is that I have inspired you in some small way to see the benefit of being organized.

I have only scratched the surface so I hope you will take some time to check one of these books out of the library and start putting some of these ideas into practice so that you can become the effective, organized homemaker God had designed you to be. Thank you so much for sharing these few days with me. Betsy

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