Tuesday, December 30


Each year Barb encourages the Homemakers women to choose a theme. This theme is something we read books about, search Scripture for, keep in mind as we make decisions, etc.

For 2008 I chose the theme Knowing God.

While that may seem like a rather general and vague theme with no real focus, I heard this quote by Beth Moore and knew that I wanted to know my God better by the end of 2008: "I know my God. I don't understand everything about Him. But I know my God is good. I know my God is love. I know my God has my best interest in mind."

It made me think...what do I really KNOW about my God?

The following quotes affirmed my chosen theme:
“There’s a lot of people who know about God, there’s fewer people who actually know God.” – Michael Binder

“Some people pray just to pray and some people pray to know God.” - Andrew Murray

“We only trust people we know,” says Martha Tennison. “If you’re really struggling to trust God, it may be because you don’t really know God.”

In the beginning of 2008 I WAS struggling to trust God. I didn't understand the journey He had me on. Throughout the year I realized that I needed to know God in order to trust Him. And then trust brings peace and peace brought me healing.

What a year!!!!

My theme verse for the year was Psalm 9:10, "Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you."

Ginger Garrett says that "God wants you to simply know Him in the present and trust Him with the unspoken ending."

Throughout the year I wrote down verses that taught me about God's character and who God is.

I can look back on my year and say I know God more. I know Him better. I knew Him in sorrow and deep pain. I knew Him in joy. I knew Him in miracles. I knew Him with an unknown future when I moved and didn't have my next home lined up.

When we miscarried I knew God in a different way because of my loss. "When we recognize that God can uniquely use suffering to draw us to himself and to glorify himself, we're able to actually see it as an opportunity to come to KNOW God in a way we haven't KNOWN him before, in a way we couldn't have KNOWN him without the suffering."

God is the source of all good things.
God gives and takes away.
God is my strength and my shield.
God blesses His people with peace.
God's thoughts are not my thoughts. His ways not my ways.
God's words are flawless.
God loves justice.
God searches hearts and minds.
God is righteous.
God performs wonders that cannot be fathomed and miracles that cannot be counted.
God is a refuge for the oppressed.
God determines our steps.
God weighs our motives.
God blesses those who trust in Him.

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