Monday, August 20

Blessed to be a blessing

Today was a dreary day in Minnesota. It was cold and rainy and I just wanted to curl up on the couch with a book. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and consumed with work, my to-do list, and life's challenges.

Then across my e-mail came this beautiful quote:
"You are blessed to be a pray generously, encourage extravagantly, and love unconditionally."

I want to be a woman who
prays generously, encourages extravagantly, and loves unconditionally -- especially on the days when it's hardest to do just that. The difficult part is that it requires me to take my eyes off my circumstances and see those God has placed in my path.

As you look at the rest of your week, whether it's busy, stressful, or filled with unknowns, ask God to make you sensitive to your family, friends, coworkers and strangers. You never know when you'll have the opportunity to
pray generously, encourage extravagantly, and love unconditionally!

May we all strive to be a blessing to others!

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