Monday, August 27

If I Had To Do It Over Again...

I thought that would get your attention. I always love to hear what women who are farther down the path of life would do differently about different situations.
I would put a different ‘spin’ on teaching my kids the value of work. All 3 of my grown kids have a great work ethic, for which I am thankful, but I don’t think I viewed work as a privilege when I was a young mom and therefore I’m not sure they thought I was real happy with ‘work’. It was always the ‘have to get it done’ mentality around our house and if I had to do it over again, I would start at a young age, yes, even when I had a babe in arms, to tell my little ones that “I want to get a ‘few things done’ right now and so I will play with you later.” I am blogging about this on the Eve of Labor Day because I think we have so much to be thankful for in America and the ability and freedom to work is one more thing to be grateful for. As a mom or wife, you can set the tone for ‘getting a job done well’, whether in your home or outside your home. Let the kids know from an early age that it is a privilege to be able to produce and work. Assign even the youngest member of your family a job to do to teach them the joy of working and celebrate with them when they complete the task. Simply picking up a few toys could be a toddler’s responsibility. Work is a major part of life so begin sharing with your kids your attitude about work…in a most positive way.

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