Wednesday, August 22

From one homemaker to another

"What's missing from so many affluent American households is the one thing you can't buy--the presence of someone who cares deeply and principally about that home and the people who live in it; who is willing to spend a significant portion of each day thinking about what those people are going to eat and what clothes they will need for which occasion; who knows when it's time to turn the mattresses and when the baby needs to be taken out for a bit of fresh air and sunshine." - Caitlin Flanagan

Some of you may work outside of the home, but I know that we all work inside the home and the work we perform in our homes is invaluable. I applaud you for the cooking, cleaning, caring, and loving that goes on in your home every single day.

No price tag can be placed on the work you do as a homemaker.

Here's to homemaking from the heart!

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