Monday, August 13

What Have You Read?

I seem to measure my summers by the number of books I manage to read! Starting in June, I begin to pile up recommended books and begin reserving others from the library. Some are the 'beach books', fun fiction that are easy to pick up and read. They color my vacation days and give me a brief break from reality.
Others are the 'how can I do this better' type book that helps me evaluate areas that I need to improve on.
Then there are the books that I read that really stretch my thinking. They include titles and subjects that I normally wouldn't be drawn to, but are recommended to me by friends.

This summer has been good. I have read a good amount and have found some favorites along the way. You still have some good weeks to read so here are my 'picks' from the ones I read the past months:

Fiction: My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picouldt (Stacy recommended this to me. It's great!)

'How can I do this better book': Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald

'A stretcher book': The Man who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (yep, you read that right...let me know if you are going to read it...I will give you a synopsis!)

What's in your pile of books this summer? I still have time to read more, so please share!

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