Thursday, August 23

Friday night traditions

It's Friday. Some of you are breathing a sigh of relief. Some of you are excited for the weekend. Some of you are looking forward to assistance with the kiddos from your spouse. I bet some of you are anticipating the Friday night traditions your family has created.

A friend of mine grew up having tacos every Friday night with her family. Today she has three young boys and every Friday is taco night. She makes homemade tacos for her four 'boys'!

I remember Friday nights when I was a teenager. My family popped popcorn (not microwave!), and watched Dallas together. Looking back now that was such a goofy show, but we all loved watching it together. I remember the smell of the butter and the popcorn and curling up on the couch together as the opening tune from Dallas played on TV.

Do you have a Friday night at-home tradition? If not, consider creating one. What is a relaxing activity for you and your spouse, or you and the kids? If it is just you and your husband, start a tradition need to wait for kids. If you have just a small baby, now is definitely a good time to start a Friday night at-home tradition.

Whatever your stage of life, it's never too late to start a family tradition! It doesn't mean it has to be done every Friday, but if it happens regularly it will become a family favorite.

I'd love to hear if you grew up with a Friday night family tradition or if you have one with your family today. Please leave us a comment...and happy Friday!

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