Tuesday, August 14

It's Monday night....

The shelves on my wall are rattling and have been for the past 15 minutes. Thunder and lightening are creating quite a show in my neighborhood. There are severe thunderstorm warnings, flash flood warnings and high winds. My cat is freaking out :)

The weathermen are on live at 11 p.m. so I know it's a strong storm. 31,000 people are without power.

I decide since I am home alone (my husband is traveling tonight) that I better find a flashlight in case the power goes out. I found a small one in the junk drawer...it didn't work. I found a second one in the hall closet...and it doesn't work either. I found a third flashlight that released a very faint beam.

Obviously the May household is not prepared for a storm. I grabbed a candle and my cell phone while I changed the flashlight batteries. Now I'm waiting for it to pass.

Are you ready for a storm? Do you have flashlights located in multiple locations on multiple levels? Do they have fresh batteries? Do you have other emergency items you might need in case the power goes out in your home?

It took the lights flickering for me to get prepared. Don't wait...make that Target list if you need emergency items, locate your flashlights and talk with your spouse so you both are prepared when thunder and lightening make an appearance in your neighborhood.

1 comment:

Barbara said...
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