Wednesday, February 6

Unexpected blessings

My husband is traveling this week and was home last night just for the night. He flew out again this morning.

As I was working around the house today the phone rang. It was Ryan telling me his plane had been delayed. Then he called a few hours later to say he had landed in D.C.

I got to thinking about how I never set the expectation to have him call me when he flys out and when he lands. I know he is traveling and I pray throughout the day for his safety.

But since he travels a lot he is trying to be considerate and keep in touch with me.

It made me realize that I have a lot of unrealistic expectations (even after almost 7 years!) but Ryan puts me to shame when he does things that I don't even expect from him. Can you think of just one thing your husband does that you don't expect, but that blesses you?

It's a tough job, but worth the effort, to focus on the unexpected blessings of marriage rather than the unmet expectations.

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