Wednesday, March 19

On The Job Training...

John Ortberg in his book, The Life You’ve Always Wanted, says ‘there is an immense difference between training to do something and trying to do something.’

I receive ‘on the job training’ in my thought life…daily. I find I have to ‘train’ my thoughts intentionally to think about what is ‘true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy’ as stated in Philippians 4:8.

Last night was a good example. My daughter was expecting some good news. Big news…that she had waited patiently to receive. Instead, the news was the opposite and it was really disappointing. I witnessed how the whole scenario played out and immediately had thoughts of anger, disappointment, blame, and pity. I wanted to lash out with a few choice words…those thoughts swirled around in my head. It was more intense as I watched her disappointment mount.

I knew my thoughts weren’t noble last night. I knew my thoughts were human and perhaps justified…I just couldn’t wallow in them

Having bad thoughts isn’t a sin, I don’t believe. Staying stuck in those thoughts is.

Acknowledging I had thoughts and words that I wanted to spew out at someone only made me aware of how much I need the Holy Spirit within me.

'Training wisely' with the help of the Holy Spirit is much easier than 'trying harder'. Training wisely makes me better. Trying harder usually makes me tired!

If I could tell you how to think good thoughts, may I suggest…just pay attention to your daily jobs. You will receive enough training there to make you an expert.

'On the job training'…it’s a bigger job than you thought.

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