Wednesday, July 30

The heart of the home....

Here is my current kitchen (in the living room!)....

Because my soon-to-be kitchen needs some work!

It's strange not living with a kitchen. I'm quickly realizing how much I take it for granted and how much time I typically spend in the kitchen...planning, preparing, cooking, baking, and cleaning up!

How do you view your kitchen? Chores to be done? Work to be had? Cleaning dishes, cleaning floors, cleaning faces?

Whatever your view, you might want to check out this article: The kitchen, the heart of my home.

I appreciate the truth presented in this article. Our role in the kitchen is truly a blessing to our family and to others. Meals together and favorite dishes can all become beloved memories and traditions.

Be it a big, contemporary kitchen, or an older, well-used kitchen or a tiny remodeled kitchen (like mine!), what takes place in this area can truly fill our homes with heart!

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