Tuesday, January 12

Participate in your Growth

Elizabeth Elliot, Bible teacher and author, says that women are 'called to participate' in their spiritual growth. We are to be accountable for what we are doing on a daily basis.

What is your attitude towards growing your soul? While I know that salvation is totally by grace and not by works, I have found that I have to participate in my growth or I quickly fill up my days and mind with alot of clutter.

Is there one thing you could do different in 2010 that would trigger a real change in how you are growing? As a young mom, start small. Start simple. Just start.

Then record it

Then think about it when you can during the day. See how God brings it to your mind, prompts you with a song on the radio or encourages you in an article you might pick up in passing. Pray for God to enable you to make the needed changes...whether it is to have more patience with your kids, speak kindly to your husband, or to be more grateful.

Then record what you are learning. Date your entries.

Then review it at the end of the year.

That's all. I am the voice of experience. If I had know 38 years ago what a simple thing such as writing down a prayer of change would mean to my soul, I would have done it! Instead, I kept procrastinating, thinking I had to come up with a new and improved me. God just wanted me to get on board with Him and He made the necessary changes. Recording what I was learning is where I really began seeing the changes.

Don't let alot of resolutions, systems and busyness get in the way. Pick ONE THING to focus on in 2010 and then 'actively participate' to make it happen in your life.

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