Monday, September 10

Good....or great?

For the past few weeks my husband Ryan and I have been making decisions.

Decisions about the fall. Decisions about the future. Decisions about our time. Decisions about our money.

We look at our calendar, we look at the myriad of opportunities before us and we discuss:
What commitments will we make? Where should we volunteer? What small group will we participate in? What groups and organizations will we be a part of this year?

We want to make intentional choices and decisions. It is so easy to over-commit ourselves and later regret putting too many things on our plate. All the opportunities before us are good, but which ones are best for us in this season of our life?

It is also very easy to decide not to commit to anything, and therefore live a comfortable life that is focused on our own needs and desires. I recently read this quote: "The enemies to a great life are not tragedy, heartbreak and hard times. The enemy to having a great life is to simply lead a good life. A life where you seek comfort and ease above growth." - What Happens When Women Walk in Faith.

That quote has been weighing on my heart. It is SO easy to lead a good life. Comfort and ease are appealing and our culture supports that 100 percent.

But to live a great life I need to go beyond comfort and ease.

How do we live this out as we strive to be wise women and Homemakers with hope?

Just this morning I got an invitation on e-mail to visit a low-income apartment building where our church is going to be serving dinners this year. The invitation was to eat dinner there this Thursday to see what the experience will be like.

My first reaction:
Ryan and I have Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night open this week and I am so excited about spending time together, being at home and just hanging out. Maybe even work on some house projects!

My second reaction:
I am going to be serving dinners all year, I really don't want to take up an extra night this week to 'experience' what it will be like.

My third reaction: The hard realization that I'd rather choose a life of comfort and ease than a life of growth and service.

This realization is another reminder that I need to look at every opportunity before me, every invitation, every activity, every commitment and determine: Am I choosing a life of comfort and ease? Am I being intentional with my time and energy? Am I striving for greatness?

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