Wednesday, September 19

"Do Something!"

I wish I had held that mantra when I was a young wife. I threw up my hands in frustration that I couldn't or didn't want to do it I did nothing!

Probably the best advice to hang on to when visiting FlyLady is to consider her Baby Steps. Just move forward abit every day or every week and you will see HUGE progress when put in the context of a year. She has a section on 'habits'. Over the years, I have 'claimed' a new habit every year and made myself pay attention to that one habit until it became 'second nature' to me. I am so glad to see her pass that advice on and I encourage any reader to consider taking on a new habit TODAY! Flylady takes on a new habit monthly. I took on a new habit yearly. Like I said, it was all or nothing with me to begin with. If you can change a habit in a month, go for it. If it takes you a year, that's ok too. Thirty years from now you will have improved yourself by incorporating 30 new habits into your life. Not bad!

Ok, so don't just sit there reading Flylady..."Do something!"

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