Wednesday, September 5

First Day of School...

Did you make it through the day, Mom? There is a tug on the old heart when you see your first child (or any of your children) march off to school, climb on the school bus or get out of the car without you. The first day of school always seemed like the start of the New Year for me, more than New Year's Eve ever did. All the preparation, planning, new clothes, new supplies and new schedules always gave me time to process that my were kids growing up.

Many of you only have small babies so it's not too late to remind you once again to take these pre-school years a day at a time. It may seem like the days are long, but the years will seem short when your child reaches school age and you look back. Take time today to enjoy, hug, play and laugh with your kids. You will only have them around for a short time and then they will be widening their world. Make it a point to live in such a way that when the first day of school comes around for your little ones, there will be no regrets. You will be sad, you will miss them, you will want to repeat some of the good 'ol days, but deep down you will know you gave of yourself to your little one and now it is time to loosen the apron strings abit and celebrate what a fine child you have raised (so far).

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