Thursday, September 27

"You Can't Be Influenced By That Which You Do Not Know"

...umm, is that a perfect endorsement for reading or not! You can't be influence by what you don't know, so pick up a book and start learning!! Women today have such a wonderful opportunity to stretch themselves and grow but I think we take it for granted and fill our days with busyness and our evenings with TV. Cell phones, i-pods, laptops, and DVDs have distracted us from pulling away and spending time to think. My challenge to you is to take hold of the great privilege and the freedom we have to read what we want to read, when we want to. We are great influencers as well. We influence our husbands and we have something worthy to influence them with? Reading will give you something to talk about, something new to try or something to incorporate into your own life. I know we are all busy with kids, extended family, work, friends, church and daily maintenance of everything...but life won't get any less busy as you get older. Now is the time to make reading and learning a priority.

So is that a good enough pep talk? Here are some titles to check out the next time you visit your library or bookstore:

For Women:
A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George
Get Out of that Pit by Beth Moore

For Wives:
For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn

For Moms:
A Mother's Heart by Jean Fleming
The Difficult Child by Stanley Turecki, MD
The Hurried Child by David Elkind

For your Husbands:
Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald
Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy

I hope you were 'influenced' by what you just go look for something that is worthwhile spending your time on. Enjoy!

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