Friday, June 13

Home Improvement

What a great way to improve your home...find a Mentor to encourage you as you build it!

Stacy and I have been sharing our experiences with Mentoring this week. I hope it will cause you to seriously search for a Mentor and then work towards becoming a Mentor to someone else. It does take commitment and perseverance as Stacy wrote in her last posting, but the payoff is worth it.

For home improvement this week, take a baby step and reach out and encourage 3 women over the weekend. Notice their reactions and also how you feel as you reach out to someone else. Maybe this will nudge you towards developing a mentoring relationship with another woman.
Perhaps you are ready to reach out and ASK someone to mentor you...let us know. Good for you!

A wise woman is teachable...and she can learn a lot from a Mentor.

Jim Elliot wrote in The Journals of Jim Elliot,

I spoke
Words fell
Aimlessly on ears.
One said,
"Your word--
It helped
That day."

I turned
Forgot I said
That word.
Let me speak
Those words
Helpful words
That I forget.

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