Tuesday, January 22

Queen of...chaos?

If your friends joke about your disorganization and messiness does that mean you are automatically labeled as a Free Spirit? Or how about when those same friends give you a book titled Queen of the Castle?

Some people might have been offended by such a gift, but I love the book and it is perfect for me! I am definitely NOT the Queen of Clean. The best part is the subhead: 52 Weeks of Encouragement for the Uninspired, Domestically Challenged or Just Plain Tired Homemaker.

We all need encouragement - particularly those of us who are uninspired. Case in point: currently I am going through my home room by room, closet by closet, drawer by drawer as we get ready to put our house on the market. It is a lot of work and not a process that I am enjoying at all.

But I LOVE the end result. I love the organization. I love the cleanliness. I love having things labeled and in Rubbermaid containers (my friends gave me a Label Maker as well!).

I'm sharing this as a way to encourage all you Free Spirits. As we have said before...the goal is not perfectionism. It's a home that is peaceful, comfortable and relaxing for all who live there.

If you are feeling domestically challenged just take it one drawer at a time. Your family will thank you for it (and if they don't, you'll thank yourself).

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