Thursday, January 3

What Does 2008 Hold For You?

Happy New Year...we are into January 2008! A new calendar, everything is fresh and uncluttered. Have you thought about giving a 'theme' to this year? A theme that will encourage you to learn more about you and your walk with God? I have chosen a 'theme' for each year for many years. I did so just to give myself something to learn about over the year. It was not a rigid task or a way to conquer a topic, but simply to make me aware of a new concept or habit. One year, I had 'faith' for my theme. I challenged myself to live by faith, to respond in faith and to read and learn about faith through out that year. I found that small habits began to change as I started 'giving in faith'. That was a challenge for me because I work on commission and I save things up for the future...just in case I might need it. The year I tried to learn more about faith, I gave freely, having faith that God would supply my needs. I remember having to talk myself into parting with things in order to test my faith. The year I was learning about faith just made me aware of how I didn't operate on faith very much. It made me aware that it was a life-long challenge, but at least I was getting a start. That awareness has been with me to this day. One year isn't enough to devote to a topic as big a 'faith', but as least it got me started thinking about having that focus. Other themes I have chosen have been perseverance, prayer, a quiet spirit, listening to God and peace. Choosing a theme is easy, focusing on it and learning about it takes abit more discipline. That's why we have a New begin again and try to do things in a better way, a way that might make me a better woman, wife, mom, and friend. This year my theme is 'Delight'! Why? Because the Bible says to "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Often I wonder why I don't get my desires fulfilled. This year I am going to focus on delighting myself in the Lord and see what habits and attitudes I may need to change. 'Delight', according to the dictionary is having "a high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; joy; rapture. Something that gives great pleasure." If I do nothing else than live each day with pleasure,with 'delight in the Lord', 2008 will be a very good year.
So what would be a good theme for 2008 for you? Share with us and we can encourage each other along the way!

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