Tuesday, January 15

Wise Men Do It...So Should Wise Women!

Socrates said a “life unexamined is a life not worth living.”

Thoreau said, “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”

Jim Elliot, the missionary who was brutally murdered by the people he was serving, said that journaling "was one discipline that forced himself to articulate on paper and that helped him concentrate and give direction to life".

These wise men wrote down their thoughts and their dreams.

Writing down the moments of life that were meaningful to these men lead them in a direction that made their life memorable and meaningful. As Stacy and I have been talking about finding a 'theme' for your new year, we are really saying to take some time to focus on what it is you want to go after in your walk with God and in your personal life in 2008. By narrowing it down to a theme, you will be more aware of teachable moments in your life that you may have missed in years gone by.
At "Homemakers with Hope" last night, I read the 3 quotes from above and once again encouraged the girls to WRITE out their theme. I challenged them to find the definition of the word and find verses that reinforce the theme.
Writing out what you hope to discover about yourself in choosing that theme may give you clarity and purpose. One year my theme was 'Generosity'. I wanted to reach out to others and give without regret. I wanted to share without holding on to my possessions so tightly. I wanted to give sincere compliments and reach out to help in a generous way. Boy, that was a busy year...of changing my habits, actions, attitudes...my life.

If you decide to take on this challenge of having a theme for 2008, try different 'themes' on for size and choose a theme that will go along with where you are in life right now. If you can't see straight because of all that you have to do, consider the simple theme of 'breathe'. Practicing what it means to inhale God's strength and spirit when you feel like you are burning out. To find God's 'still small voice' as you breathe and escape the hustle and bustle of your frantic schedules. Maybe a theme of 'laughter' would make you mindful to lighten up. What a gift that would be for your family. Or maybe you need to get more serious so a theme of 'discipline' or 'focus' would be more appropriate.

Whatever you choose, WRITE IT DOWN. Don't write it down in hopes that you will go down in history like Socrates or Thoreau, but in hopes that some day your children and husband may rise up and call you 'blessed' because you intentionally sought God's best for your life each year.

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