Tuesday, January 8

Time wasters

Wow, Barb's words really hit home with me! Now that I work from home a few days each week I have no one here to watch how I use my time. From day one I said I wanted to be a good steward of my time. I said I wanted to be efficient and effective with my time.

Some days I am and some days I am not. And, in the New Year, if I am honest with myself, the days I am not a good steward of my time seem to be more frequent.

Just like Barb mentioned, e-mail and the Internet are two huge time wasters for me! I can hop on for just 10 minutes and an hour later be engrossed in Amazon.com, on someone's blog or researching a topic :)

I also have found that the phone can eat up my time. Why do I always feel the need to answer it? If I am in the middle of work, a project or something else that needs my attention, I know the chances of me returning to that are slim to none when I get done chatting with a friend. Then I don't get my work or home projects completed, and I am out of time!

How does one learn to manage time better? For me, praying through my time and the list of things I have to do is always helpful. I ask others to pray about me being a good steward of my time. And, I have asked for accountability in this area as well.

I wish I was more disciplined than I am. I wish I was so focused that I didn't get distracted by my computer or the ringing of the phone. But recognizing I do is step one. Making some wise choices (and changing some bad habits) is step two...and the harder of the two!

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