Wednesday, January 23

What Is Your Dream?

You've heard it before, but I must say it again,

a 'goal is a dream with a deadline'!

Stacy is working towards her dream(see posting 1/22/08) move into a neighborhood where she will start a 'community to minister to her neighbors.' In order to achieve this dream, she needs to get her home packed up and ready for the sale. Ms FreeSpirit can handle this goal, because her dream pushes her onward. That's how we FreeSpirits operate!

We need a dream in sight to keep us on track.

What is your dream?

Whatever your style of Homemaking may be, remember to write out your goals/dreams to include:

1. A statement of quantity
ie: HOW MUCH you are wanting to accomplish
2. A date for completion
ie: A Deadline to meet

This will allow your dreams to become goals. They will be measureable. They will come to fruition.

That's how dreams do come true...for the SuperCleans and the FreeSpirits alike!

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