Friday, September 25

Daily Bread

My theme for the year is Daily Bread. How I have approached my theme has looked different in every season of this year. Early on in the year i met with the Lord and poured out my heart to Him when I found out I was expecting. This past summer I petitioned the Lord when I was tired and having a hard time keeping up with my son.

As I type today (with my left hand while holding my new, sweet baby girl with my right), and have two kids under one, Daily Bread has taken on a new meaning for me.

I need to meditate on Scripture and recall words of truth but HOW I do that varies each day. Some days it means sitting in the tub praying to the Lord and reading a devotional book. Other days it is praying as I feed, change and play with my little ones. Sometimes it means reciting the Scripture I have memorized. I'm trying to seek God in the quiet moments and cry out to Him in the 'not so quiet.'

I had no idea my theme would look so different in every season of the year - and every season of my life this year. But I am so thankful that God is faithful to meet me whenever and wherever.

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